The atmospheric phenomenon known as Aurora Borealis (aka the Northern Lights) has captivated humans for millenia. They remind us of the majesty of nature and our humble place within it. In this unique design, waves of light dance and marble the sky in navy, indigo, sky blue and turquoise. Silhouettes of Birch Trees and Norway Pines stand tall in the foreground.
- Durable and rugged outsole
- Removable insole features cushion-fit technology
- Padded ankle for added support and comfort
- No break-in time necessary
- Brass eyelets plus hooked top eyelet for precise fit
*TREKK Boots feature water-resistant materials built to resist water intrusion and allow your feet to stay warm and dry in cold/damp conditions. For information on water-proofing and caring for your new shoes, see our Care Instructions below.